ASEAN security personnel banned from using mobile phones while on duty


With the heightened security preparation for the upcoming 31st ASEAN Summit and Related Meetings in November this year, the head of the ASEAN Security Task Force (ASTF) directs all security personnel to refrain from carrying and using their mobile phones while on duty.

ASTF Commander, Police Director Napoleon Taas says that all security personnel should remain focused while on duty and not distracted by the use of their cellular phones while manning their post to prevent any untoward incident from taking place in their respective areas.

“The directive is very clear: the use of cellular phones while on duty is strictly prohibited and anyone while on duty seen or caught tinkering with their device will be held accountable, including their immediate supervisors and commanders,” Taas stresses.

He says numerous reminders have already been issued, especially during pre-deployment briefings, in an effort to impress upon each and every security personnel the importance of being alert and focused all the time while on duty in making all ASEAN-related events safe and peaceful.

However, the ASTF Commander acknowledges that there remain a few personnel who still continue to use their mobile phones while manning their areas which could compromise the security plan laid out for all ASEAN events.

He points out that security personnel are allowed to use and check their mobile phones only during breaks, as well as when reporting urgent incidents to their commanders on the ground.

“We believe that banning security personnel from using mobile phones while on duty would immensely help in ensuring the safety and security of all ASEAN delegates,” Taas adds.


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