DILG Lucena City holds anti-illegal drugs symposium


Targeting to intensify its anti-illegal drugs and anti-corruption flagship program MASA MASID (Mamamayang Ayaw sa Anomalya, Mamamayang Ayaw sa Iligal na Droga), the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) Lucena City Office held a barangay-based symposium on the last working day of the year, December 29.

The activity organized in coordination with the Lucena City Anti-Drug Abuse Council (CADAC) brought together the Punong Barangays, Secretaries, and Barangay Anti-Drugs Abuse Council (BADAC) Focal Persons.

Volunteers of the DILG’s MASA MASID Program, Civil Society Organizations, Non-government organizations and inhabitants of the eight drug cleared barangays were also invited to attend the said activity.

In her message, DILG Lucena City Officer-in-Charge (OIC) City Director Vilma De Torres urged the participants to take part in the government’s continuous campaign against illegal drugs and corruption.

“With the new administration, transparency is given importance. This is one of the reasons why the participants of this event are not only limited to the barangay officials but extended to the barangay inhabitants, CSOs, and NGOs,” said De Torres.

“The government cannot do it alone, the barangay officials cannot do it alone, so we are calling on the members of the community to participate in the government’s fight against illegal drugs and corruption,” the OIC-City Director added.

The activity anchored in bringing the MASA MASID program down to the grassroots level tackled the ill effects of illegal drugs and the community’s role in drug abuse and corruption. Ways on how to prevent and counter violent extremism were also discussed during the symposium. —AJG/R4A