In light of national government thrusts, organizational commitments, and emerging good governance frameworks, the Seal or SGLG further aligns its parameters to help meet expectations and contribute in realizing target outcomes relative to local governance. Most notably accounted for is the Philippine Development Plan (PDP) to help bring about the current Administration's vision of inclusive growth, high trust society, and a globally-competitive knowledge economy, following the principles of Malasakit, Pagbabago, at Patuloy na Pag-unlad.

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“For 2017, the principle '4+1' applies where an LGU needs to pass four core areas and at least one essential area

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Financial Administration

The practice of LGU accountability and transparency by adherence to accounting and auditing standards and compliance with the Full Disclosure Policy (Good Financial Housekeeping); and sound management of resources (Financial Performance); and optimal utilization of available mechanisms and resources to support local development (Financing Development).

Disaster Preparedness

Proactive LGU actions to prepare for disasters through mobilization of local DRRM structures and systems; development and/or implementation of appropriate programs and plans and the use of funds provided; building competencies of concerned personnel; and ensuring operational readiness with the availability of equipage, supplies and other resources intended for early warning/and or response.

Social Protection

LGU actions to respond to the needs of disadvantaged sectors like women, children, senior citizens, indigenous peoples and persons with disability (PWDs), urban poor, among others, by managing facilities or services that cater to their need such as residential care facilities; providing support to basic education and accessibility features in local government buildings; enhancing means of social welfare services; providing housing; and ensuring participation of the sector(s) in local special bodies and in the local Sanggunian.

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Peace and Order

LGU efforts in maintaining peace and order with the implementation of activities and providing support mechanisms to protect constituents from threats to life and security; and ensuring drug-free communities.

Business-Friendliness and Competitiveness

LGU actions to bring about business and employment opportunities through systems, structures and/or legislation to support local economic development.

Environmental Management

LGU efforts in safeguarding the integrity of the environment with initial focus on the compliance with the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000.

Tourism, Culture and the Arts

LGU efforts to promote and develop the local tourism industry, preserve and enrich cultural heritage, and advance creativity through local support.



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