Statement of DILG OIC Catalino S. Cuy on the readiness of security forces


With the influx of delegates arriving in the country for the 31st ASEAN Summit and its related summits, our security and public safety forces are one hundred percent deployed to key strategic stations and areas to ensure that the event will run smoothly until the departure of the delegates.

Compared with the preparations we made during the previous summit, we have levelled up and upgraded our monitoring, operational and logistical capabilities considering that the area of security coverage is much wider than the previous summit which concentrated in Metro Manila alone.

All our land, air and water assets are also on deck and poised for action in case there are security threats that might compromise the smooth flow of the summit and the safety of the delegates.

We have also directed our forces to be ‘snappy’ in carrying out security measures and counter-measures assigned to them such as traffic concerns, protest actions and other related inconveniences that may occur as the summit unfolds.

Moreover, we urge our commanders to ensure the one hundred percent attendance of their security personnel and remind them to refrain from incurring absences in their respective posts so as not to hinder the effective implementation of security measures. Such act will be not be tolerated and be sanctioned accordingly.

Likewise, they will be constantly reminded to be strict, alert, and courteous at all times.

With the guidance of President Rodrigo Duterte and the help of the 21 member agencies of the ASEAN Committee on Security, Peace and Order, Emergency Preparedness and Response (CSPOEPR), rest assured that security forces are on their toes and will not compromise the safety of the public.