Cuy: PHL chairmanship of ASEAN’s 50th year a huge milestone


Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) officer-in-charge Catalino S. Cuy said that the country’s chairmanship of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations’ (ASEAN) 50th anniversary is “a historical milestone which will be remembered as one of the significant events in our country’s timeline”.

Cuy made the remarks during the welcome dinner hosted by the DILG with the help of the Department of Tourism for the ASEAN ministers and delegates at the Marriott Hotel Manila Tuesday night.

“As a new leadership under the administration of President Rodrigo Roa Duterte is ushered in, the Filipino people embraces all of you, our ASEAN brothers and sisters with open arms,” he said.

“As we move forward, we are certain that many doors of collaboration will ensue in securing that all member states are living in a safe and harmonious condition free from the threats of terrorism and other forms of transnational crime,” he added.

The event capped yesterday’s session which was part of the four-day 11th ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Transnational Crime (11th AMMTC) which is being held at nearby Conrad Manila in Pasay City.  Cuy is the designated AMMTC Leader for the country.  The 11th AMMTC is one of the series of meetings being conducted in the country today in preparation for the 31st ASEAN Summit in November this year.

ASEAN officials were treated to a grand colorful welcome banquet which featured delicious local cuisines and performances from world-class Filipino singers and artists.

Cuy then invited the country’s honored guests to partake of the sumptuous feast prepared for them which “represents our very unique culture and tradition across the years”.

“We hope that you will also get to experience the diverse yet exuberant culture of the Philippines rooted from our colorful history and unwavering faith,” he said.

The “Pearl of the Orient Seas”-themed festival showcased remarkable talents such as saxophonist Nicole Tejedor, sultry singer Nicole Laurel Asencio, Voice of the Philippines second runner-up Janice Javier, Sindaw Philippine Performing Arts Guild, classical pop tenor group The Angelos, and Banda Kawayan. ###


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