CDP, CDRA coaches undergo retooling workshop


The Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) Regional Office IV-A conducted a five-day training-workshop for the Regional Coaches of Climate and Disaster Risk Assessment (CDRA) and Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP) on April 17-21, 2017 at the Local Government Academy Training Center in Los Banos, Laguna.

The activity, which was part of the initiatives of the Local Government Capability Development Division, generally aimed to scale up the capacity of the DILG Field Officers in the integration of CDRA in local development planning particularly the CDP.

The CDP which serves as the local government unit’s road map to progress and development is one of the two major plans mandated under the Local Government Code of 1991. It contains the strategic plans for five development sectors namely social, environmental, economic, institution, and infrastructure.

At least 66 selected Local Government Operations Officers which includes HUC Director, Division Chiefs, Cluster Heads, and DILG Regional and Provincial Technical Staff from all the provinces in the region attended the said activity.

In his message, Assistant Regional Director Ariel O. Iglesia, CESO V emphasized the importance of mainstreaming and integration of Disaster Risk Reduction-Climate Change Adaptation (DRR-CCA) in the preparation of the LGU’s development plan.

He said that these adaptive measures could help LGUs to effectively address the needs of their constituents most especially those located in the identified disaster-risk and vulnerable areas of their locality.

ARD Iglesia added that the training-workshop will enable the DILG Field Officers to effectively carry out their roles in the preparation of the mandated local development plans. Part of the roles of the DILG is to ensure the provision of technical assistance in the formulation of the said plans.

During the activity,  participants went through discussions, workshops, and output presentation facilitated by members of the DILG IV-A Regional Technical Working Group with the support from resource speakers from other institutions such as the University of the Philippines Los Banos.

Participants were also oriented by Ms. Ana A. Dagñalan, Head, Town Planning and Zoning Division, Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board (HLURB) – Southern Tagalog Region on Comprehensive Land Use and Development.

To fully understand the process, simpler and enhanced versions of modules and framework for the topics involved were used during the lectures and workshops.

Said activity was part of the continuous efforts of the DILG Regional Office IV-A to further strengthen the internal capacity of its field officers. R4A


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