Request for Death Benefit Funding Allocation

Benefeciaries of deceased Barangay Officials
1. Application of Death Benefit Claims (DBC For-001) in three (3) copies;
2. Certified true copy of Death Certificate of deceased Barangay Officials;
3. Certified true copy of marriage contract (if the claimant is the spouse of the deceased barangay official):
4. Certified true copy of the Birth Certificate of the Claimant if the son or daughter of the deceased Brgy. Official;
5. Certified true copy of the birth certificate of the deceased or affidavit of two (2) disinterested parties; if the deceased Brgy. Official is single and the claimant is his surviving parent/brother/sister;
6. Affidavit of guardianship, if the claimant is minor;
7. Special Power of Attorney, authorizing one of the legal beneficiaries to claim the benefit
8. Photocopy of the government issued identification card, such as Voter’s ID, Driver’s License, Postal ID, or a certification from the Barangay that he/she is a resident of the said Barangay.
1. Receiving clerk (stamp RECEIVED) the documents
2. C/MLGOO evaluates the completeness of the documents;
• Controls and maintains electronic records of claimants (including cross-checking with BODS, BOIS and previous fund releases;
• Prepares consolidated list of claimants;
• Prepares endorsement with complete supporting documents to provincial Office/regional office in case of DILG-NCR;
3. Provincial focal person valuates the completeness of the documents and prepare the endorsement for the P.D. signature
4. Provincial Director signs endorsements and transmittal to Regional Office
5. The Provincial Focal Person forwards to Record Unit of the province for submission to Regional Office
6. Records Unit of the Region receives the endorsed DBC and forwards to concerned Division
7. Regional Focal Person reviews, evaluates the completeness of DBCs and prepares consolidates list thereof;
8. Prepares endorsement to NBOO for signature of the RD thru ARD;
9. RD signs the endorsement and returns the same to RFP;
10. RFP forwards the endorsement to Records Unit for submission to NBOO;
11. Records Unit transmits endorsement to NBOO thru e-mail, fax, etc. (varies per region)