DILG IV-A holds MASA MASID provincial orientations, expands community network vs illegal drugs, corruption


In support to the national government’s campaign against illegal drugs and corruption, the DILG IV-A conducted rounds of provincial orientations for the stakeholders and volunteers of the MASA MASID (Mamamayang Ayaw sa Anomalya, Mamamayang Ayaw sa Illegal na Droga) program.

Established in 2016, MASA MASID aims to heighten community involvement by mobilizing the support of stakeholders, especially the community and faith-based organizations in combatting corruption and proliferation of illegal drugs in their respective communities.

The series of activities spearheaded by the DILG IV-A provincial offices from March to June this year brought together the members of the Ugnayan ng mga Barangay at Simbahan (UBAS) Expanded Technical Working Group; Barangay officials; Barangay Anti-Drug Abuse Councils; Peace and Order Councils (POCs); and MASA MASID Teams.

MASA MASID Program Officers from the DILG IV-A regional and provincial offices led the orientation with discussions on the legal bases, framework, and implementation strategies of the program. Plans and other interventions of the Department geared towards strengthening the capabilities of community volunteers were also discussed during the orientation.

The rounds of orientations were not only aimed at discussing the significant role of the community in the fight against corruption and illegal drugs but also served as an avenue to discuss strategic actions that will greatly help combat the latter. Participating barangay officials were also given time to revisit and craft their Barangay Anti-Drug Abuse Council Plans during each orientation.

Resource facilitators also shed light on issues and concerns surrounding the implementation of the program through a consultative discussion with the participants.

Emphasizing the vital role of the communities, DILG IV-A Regional Director Manuel Q. Gotis, CESO III urged all barangay officials, stakeholders, and volunteers to support and lead the implementation of the Department’s anti-illegal and anti-corruption program.

Expanded UBAS TWG
Stressing the importance of multi-sectoral linkages in communities, the DILG has expanded the roles of UBAS Technical Working Group from promoting good governance and community development to combatting the spread of illegal drugs, corruption, and criminality.

The expanded UBAS TWG, now chaired by local government operations officers of respective cities and municipalities, will be responsible for promoting MASA MASID as a mechanism to respond to LGU needs and provide technical assistance in every barangay.

Among the roles of the UBAS TWG as social facilitators are organizing, mobilizing, training, and monitoring the activities of the MASA MASID Teams.



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