The Municipality of Alitagtag in the Province of Batangas came from the word Alinagnag, which in local dialect means “a small distinct light”. It houses eight (8) public elementary schools, but due to inadequate income of this local unit, they could hardly give sufficient assistance to each school.
Covered with the darkness of piled improvised roofs, Munlawin Elementary School is one of the public schools in the municipality that caters school children of three (3) barangays, Baranggays Munlawin, Salvador Agito, and Concordia. Since the school buildings have been built decades ago, parents and even teachers feel uneasy for the welfare and safety of their child and pupils. Walls are tumble-down, roofs are dilapidated and give the vibe of a potential threat to their protection.
While the municipality believes that education is still the best heritage to the coming generations, they aspire for all the improvements possible that the local government can offer.
With the best knowledge on how to maximize the assistance of the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG), the local government of Alitagtag made use of its excellence in management and local governance to win the most prestigious award of DILG- The Seal of Good Local Governance (SGLG).
Awarded with a P1-million Performance Challenge Fund (PCF) subsidy, the grant was used to suffice the P1-million LGU counterpart budget for the construction of an additional two units of classrooms equipped with both female, male, and PWDs comfort rooms.
The Municipality has been true to its history, proving that the name given to it, will not just be a name but also a light to the future of its children. —R4A/Sara Caliwagan/PDMU