CLIENTS All Sanggunian Members (PCM) who served on aggregate of 6 years completed at least 72 units leading to bachelor’s degree (first level eligibility) or an aggregate of 9 years having completed baccalaureate degree (2nd level eligibility) (both should start...
CLIENTS Local Government Units, Local Leagues and other service provider except those covered by consultancy contracts REQUIREMENTS* 1. Complete training / Activity Design 2. Endorsement from the DILG Provincial / City Office 3. Certification from the Provincial / City DILG that the activity is...
CLIENTS Benefeciaries of deceased Barangay Officials REQUIREMENTS* 1. List of Claimants covered by Fund allocation from NBOO and FMS 2. Certified true copy of Death Certificate of deceased Barangay Officials; 3. Certified true copy of marriage contract (if the claimant is the spouse of...
CLIENTS Local Government officials and employees REQUIREMENTS* A. Required Documents for All Types of Travel 1. Letter request stating the nature and purpose of the travel, indicating also the inclusive dates and place(s) of destination; 2. Endorsement from the DILG Regional Director, Provincial Director,...
CLIENTS Local Government officials and employees REQUIREMENTS* 1. Endorsement from the DILG Regional Director, Provincial Director / City Director 2. LCE’s endorsement 3. Certificate of no pending administrative and/or criminal case; 4. Resume with 2x2 picture; 5. Transcript of Records -Certified true copy 6. List of Seminars...
CLIENTS Benefeciaries of deceased Barangay Officials REQUIREMENTS* 1. Application of Death Benefit Claims (DBC For-001) in three (3) copies; 2. Certified true copy of Death Certificate of deceased Barangay Officials; 3. Certified true copy of marriage contract (if the claimant is the spouse of...
CLIENTS All Local Government Units REQUIREMENTS* 1. Original LCE Letter-request stating the purpose for which the vehicle will be used and deployed, No. of units to be purchased, type of vehicle and specification (no. of cylinders, fuel, engine displacement) 2. Original Certificate of...
CLIENTS All Provincial, City, and Municipal Governments through the Full Disclosure Policy Focal Persons REQUIREMENTS* 1. Letter request stating the purpose; and, 2. Certification of Compliance to FDP issued by DILG Provincial Offices attested by Civil Society Organization PROCEDURES 1. Receiving Clerk (stamp RECEIVED) records...
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